Hi all -- wanted to pass along this bit of reporting from my colleague Seth Colter Walls.
By now, most political junkies know that Barack Obama raised a lot of money in June.
But his campaign's $52 million dollar take for the month becomes all the more impressive when considering the utter lack of help he received from Hillary Clinton's high-dollar fundraising machine. When comparing Obama's full FEC filing for June with a list of 311 "Hillraisers" -- or supporters who bundled more than $100,000 in contributions for Sen. Clinton -- the Huffington Post found only eight names in common between the two lists. Not all of those donors maxed out, either, making for a relatively paltry figure of $19,250 in direct, hard-money contributions from Hillraisers for the month.
This really surprised me, honestly -- most of the previous reporting has suggested that only a tiny number of Clinton supporters were resisting getting behind Obama.
You can read Seth's full story here.